Pehoé Lake
A hidden lake with crystal clear waters and located in a mountain environment. The reflection of the mountains in Lake Pehoé is a delight for the eyes. Navigate through this lake called "Hidden Lake" by the Tehuenches because it is among so many other water sources, which made its search difficult. From its shore, you…

Nordenskjöld Lake
Waters of gray and green tones that simply amaze... Located at the foot of Los Cuernos, this lake is a true painting due to the green color of its waters and the imposing beauty that surrounds it. Its turquoise waters flow south towards the Salto Grande waterfall and empty into Lake Pehoe. Surrounded by granite…
El Calafate
One of the most attractive destinations in Argentine Patagonia. It is the gateway to Los Glaciares National Park, which, due to its natural beauty, was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. El Calafate is located in the province of Santa Cruz and its name comes from a thorny shrub endemic to Argentine Patagonia. Los Glaciares…

Ether Aike Artisanal Town
The Etherh Aike Craft Village, with 23 typical craft modules of the area, travel agency, restaurant is an excellent alternative to visit. A meeting place to discover and be enchanted by the work done by hand by the artisans of this Patagonian land that is inspired by the magic of the original peoples, by the…
Serrano River Tourist Village
-You have it, go, go, go! - I scream to you excited, unable to avoid flapping with the arms. Hours of patient waiting finally bear its fruit and masterfully you are pulling the rod and its line to capture a beautiful Chinook salmon of about 12 kilos. Already in your hands, you gently fold the…

Cerro Castillo Village
300 kilometers north of Punta Arenas, a town of red roofs and white walls stands majestically like a jewel between blue skies and green meadows. This is the capital of the municipality of Torres del Paine, proud of its gaucho origin, its matte and its people. Welcome tourist, welcome traveler to the land of Cerro…
French Valley
What is needed for a trekking through the French Valley? Being in good shape, rain attire, strong shoes and, of course, the willingness to walk. Fulfilling all that, we were assured we wouldn’t have problems completing this trek of medium difficulty. We started the adventure with a little more than two hours walk from the…

Amarga Lagoon
Surprised, right? My promise was to help you capture the perfect postcard of Torres del Paine and I couldn’t think of a better place to do it that in front of the majestic Amarga Lagoon that now greets us, showing off in all its glory. Aground on the slopes of Cerro Toro, this bluish green…

Sarmiento Lake
From a viewpoint, our eyes printed the first of many postcards that we will treasure of Torres del Paine Park. It’s Sarmiento Lake which proudly displays the 90 square kilometers that crown it as the biggest lake of the sanctuary and, unlike other glacial lakes in the park, it owes its origin to the rains…
Grey Glacier
Just a couple of days before we had the wonderful opportunity to see the Grey glacier from the viewpoint that bears its name, a trekking around the lake that amazed us with its charm and left us with a deep desire to have a more intimate encounter with this ice giant. And after making a…