Discover this 1.4-km round-trip route near Lazo, Magallanes. It is generally considered an easy route, taking an average of 24 minutes to travel. It is a very popular region for enjoying bird watching, hiking and walking, so you are likely to meet other people while you are in the area. The best time to visit this route is from October to March. This majestic waterfall located in the Torres del Paine National Park is a true spectacle and visiting it is not difficult at all: the path is direct, wide and well marked, starting from a parking lot. In a short time and without effort you will be in front of a cliff that will allow you to see the waterfall of Lake Nordenskjöld briefly become the Paine River and decant into Lake Pehoé. At 15 meters high, it is not one of the largest waterfalls but it does have undeniable beauty!

Experience Salto Grande Waterfall Viewpoint with GreatChile

Programs & Tours

Torres del Paine Full Day
Torres del Paine Full Day