Factoria Patagonia

Located in the heart of Puerto Natales, just steps from the waterfront and the city's gastronomic hub. Its architecture is

Natales Hostel

Natales Hostelling is a very convenient accommodation for backpackers in Puerto Natales. It is very well located, only one block

Costaustralis Hotel

The Costaustralis Hotel is located on Puerto Natales' coast road, looking out over beautiful Ultimo Esperanza Bay . The hotel

Alcazar Natales Hostal

They are located just 2 blocks from the natales bus station. They have been in Puerto Natales since 2004. They

Martín Gusinde Hotel

This is one of the most traditional hotels of Puerto Natales and one of the most elegant and comfortable you

More about Puerto Natales

Excursions from Puerto Natales

Day trips to Torres del Paine National Park, where you can trek to the Base of the Towers, admire breathtaking…...