• Bus Trip

  • Semi-Bed Seat


From the CONAF Administrative Headquarters in Villa Monzino, Bus-Sur offers an 18 km journey to Hotel Lago Grey. Daily departures are at 9:00 a.m., 14:00, and 16:30 from Laguna Amarga, passing through Pudeto, Camping Pehoé, and Administration, arriving at the hotel at 11:30, 16:30, and 17:35 respectively.

Departure Schedule:

Departure 1: Laguna Amarga 9:00, Pudeto 10:00, Camping Pehoé 10:15, Administration 11:00, Hotel Lago Grey 11:30.
Departure 2: Laguna Amarga 14:00, Pudeto 15:00, Camping Pehoé 15:30, Administration 16:00, Hotel Lago Grey 16:30.
Departure 3: Laguna Amarga 16:30, Pudeto 17:15, Camping Pehoé 17:35.

Return Schedule:

Return 1: Lago Grey 13:30, Administration 14:00, Camping Pehoé 14:15, Pudeto 14:15, Laguna Amarga 15:00.
Return 2: Lago Grey 17:00, Administration 17:30, Camping Pehoé 17:45, Pudeto 19:30, Laguna Amarga 20:15.
Return 3: Pudeto 10:30, Laguna Amarga 11:00.

Onboard Services:

USB ports at each seat
Snacks on international trips
Air conditioning
Thorough cleaning before and after each journey
Microphone, radio, and screens

Commercial Conditions

Our apply on this service.

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