The waterfront is a must see for tourists. It runs through the entire city from North to South - approximately 4 kilometers - and is a quiet and relaxed place to sit for hours watching birds, ducks and waiting for the sunset. In addition to the piers, monuments and houses that face the sea.

Along the way there are benches to sit, enjoy the scenery and listen to the sound of the sea. In the background, you can see the Balmaceda, Mocho, Tenerife, Ballena and Benítez hills. On the walk, you can go for a coffee ora  hot chocolate to Spacio Kau overlooking the Ultima Esperanza Sound.

Experience Puerto Natales Waterfront with GreatChile

Programs & Tours

Puerto Natales Bicycle City Tour

An unmissable panorama: Puerto Natales Bike City Tour Puerto Natales is located on the shores of Señoret channel, between Gulf


Accommodations arround

Natales Hostel

Natales Hostelling is a very convenient accommodation for backpackers in Puerto Natales. It is very well located, only one block

Costaustralis Hotel

The Costaustralis Hotel is located on Puerto Natales' coast road, looking out over beautiful Ultimo Esperanza Bay . The hotel

Factoria Patagonia

Located in the heart of Puerto Natales, just steps from the waterfront and the city's gastronomic hub. Its architecture is

Martín Gusinde Hotel

This is one of the most traditional hotels of Puerto Natales and one of the most elegant and comfortable you

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