The Etherh Aike Craft Village, with 23 typical craft modules of the area, travel agency, restaurant is an excellent alternative to visit. A meeting place to discover and be enchanted by the work done by hand by the artisans of this Patagonian land that is inspired by the magic of the original peoples, by the rural man, by the particular native flora and fauna.

Experience Ether Aike Artisanal Town with GreatChile

Programs & Tours

Puerto Natales Bicycle City Tour

An unmissable panorama: Puerto Natales Bike City Tour Puerto Natales is located on the shores of Señoret channel, between Gulf


Accommodations arround

Patagonia Insitu Cabins

It's a new place to stay in cabins fully furnished and equipped in the heart of Puerto Natales tourism. The

Martín Gusinde Hotel

This is one of the most traditional hotels of Puerto Natales and one of the most elegant and comfortable you

Alcazar Natales Hostal

They are located just 2 blocks from the natales bus station. They have been in Puerto Natales since 2004. They

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