Ether Aike Artisanal Town
The Etherh Aike Craft Village, with 23 typical craft modules of the area, travel agency, restaurant is an excellent alternative to visit. A meeting place to discover and be enchanted by the work done by hand by the artisans of this Patagonian land that is inspired by the magic of the original peoples, by the…

Puerto Natales Waterfront
The waterfront is a must see for tourists. It runs through the entire city from North to South - approximately 4 kilometers - and is a quiet and relaxed place to sit for hours watching birds, ducks and waiting for the sunset. In addition to the piers, monuments and houses that face the sea. Along…

Puerto Natales Municipal Historical Museum
The Museum in Puerto Natales, displays a collection of items used during prehistory and colonization of the area. Its mission is to conserve, investigate, expose and communicate the social and cultural history of Puerto Natales. It was created on April 25, 1990 by initiative of the Carabineros de Chile and with the valuable collaboration of…

Ultima Esperanza Sound
This great stretch of sea owes its name to the "last hope" of finding the Strait of Magellan in 1557, for an expedition that was looking for it from the Pacific Ocean. A navigation through the Ultima Esperanza fjord towards the Bernardo O'Higgins National Park allows us to see the Serrano and Balmaceda glaciers. On…