Passing the Glacier, the hard descent begins, the path continues along a narrow path until entering the forest until reaching the Conaf El Paso Nursery, approximately 1 hour and a half walk from the Glacier, on the way it crosses three hanging bridges and after 4 hours or so from the Conaf El Paso nursery you arrive at the Gray Shelter. From here you will start to see more people on the routes and camps, since it is easier to access and is part of the W circuit.


Experience Caminho entre o Berçário Paso e o Setor Refúgio Grey with GreatChile

Programas e passeios

Circuito O Torres del Paine
Circuito O Torres del Paine

8 dias / 7 noites, de/para Puerto Natales

Alojamento Autoguiado Traslados Alimentos

Acomodações Around

Refugio y Camping Grey
Refugio y Camping Grey

Este refúgio está localizado a poucos minutos do Glaciar Grey, que se separa dos Campos de Hielos Sur. Fica em